Hailing the Japanese Government's initiative to organise the meeting rightafter the 27th UN Climate Change Conference (COP27), Ha said that this is an importantand suitable forum to promote intergovernmentalcooperation in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, thus contributing tosustainable development in the region.
The path to achieve the targets set by the Paris Climate Agreementis very tough, and requires intelligence, cooperation and high solidarity, hestated, stressing the need to strengthen cooperation between government and government,between governments and enterprises, and use public investment to lead privatefinance in the context of private finance being an important resource for emissionreduction efforts.
The Vietnamese representative proposed countries put forwarda very methodical and realistic emissions reduction roadmap, but not at allcosts, as socio-economic issues should be taken into account.
On this occasion, Deputy PM Ha also emphasised Vietnam'scommitments to and efforts in responding to climate change and cutting greenhousegas emissions, including measures to increase the proportion of renewable energies.
He proposed participating countries establish specificinstitutions such as a carbon credit market of the region, and a research andtechnology transfer centre, because technology is a key to reduce emissionswhile ensuring energy security and ensuring the state, people and businesseshave access to clean energy at affordable prices.
He also suggested setting up a scientific research supportfund and a high-quality human resource training centre, while stressing theneed to rely on digital transformation to enhance exchanges and dialogues onpolicies and techniques to increase the efficiency of the implementation of emissionsreduction measures and ensure the implementation of socio-economic targets.
At the meeting, delegates approved a joint statement about the“Asia Zero Emission Community” which sets forth cooperation orientations in thecoming time to achieve inclusive, just, sustainable and affordable energytransition in Asia./.