During a session of the United Nations Security Council(UNSC) in New York on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of theNPT, Ambassador Quy affirmed that Vietnam has joined all international effortsregarding non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, including regional and globalconventions; complied with the International Atomic Energy Agency’s highest safety standards; and strictlyfollowed the UNSC’s resolutions.
He said anyintentional, unintentional or miscalculated use of nuclear weapons seriouslythreatened global peace and security.
Non-nuclear weaponstates, especially those that have fulfilled their NPT obligations, still livein fear despite the treaty is five decades old.
The UNSCexpressed its determination to strive to reach the targets set out in thetreaty towards full nuclear non-proliferation and ensuring the use of nuclearenergy for peaceful purposes only.
Participantsalso reaffirmed the common responsibility of NPT member states for the futureof the treaty.
The NPT wasratified by 190 countries and has been widely welcomed worldwide./.