As many as 119 caseswere found in quarantine facilities and sealed off areas.
As of June 24 noon,Vietnam had seen 1,726 imported and 12,390 locally transmitted COVID-19 cases.The number of local infections since the fourth wave of outbreaks hit thecountry on April 27 surmounted to 10,820, including 2,910 recoveries.
Sixteen localitieshave not seen new infections in the community for two weeks.
Of those who are stillunder treatment at medical facilities, 341 have tested negative for thecoronavirus once, 143 twice and 130 thrice.
Two new fatalitiesraised the country’s death toll to 72 on June 24, according to the subcommitteefor treatment of the National Steering Committee on COVID-19 Prevention andControl.
The deceased, bothmale 82 and 88 years old, were of Bac Giang province with severe underlyingmedical conditions.
In the context of complicateddevelopments, the ministry called on citizens to follow the 5K message,including khau trang (facemask), khu khuan (disinfection), khoang cach(distance), khong tu tap (no gathering), and khai bao y te (healthdeclaration), to help contain the outbreaks./.