Minister Counsellor Nguyen Hoang Nguyen, Deputy PermanentRepresentative of Vietnam to the United Nations, attended a ministerial-levelopen debate held by the UN Security Council in New York on January 24 (Vietnamtime) to look into the Middle East situation, including the Palestinianquestion.
In his speech, Nguyen expressed serious concern over thecontinuation and spread of complex developments in the Middle East,particularly the escalating conflicts in the Gaza Strip that are causing heavy casualties,taking a substantial toll on civilian infrastructure and UN establishments, andtriggering a severe humanitarian crisis. In addition, incidents in the Red Seaare raising global concerns, especially over navigation safety and freedom, andimpacting the sovereignty of the affected countries.
He underscored the urgent need for an immediate ceasefire andappealed to the parties concerned to comply with international law, exercisemaximum self-restraint, avoid any action that may cause tensions or violence,and create a favourable environment for peaceful dialogue.
The diplomat also called on the UN Security Councilto further augment efforts to promptly resolve the crises.
He reaffirmed Vietnam’s stance of consistently supporting thetwo-state solution with the establishment of an independent State of Palestinethat peacefully exists alongside the State of Israel, and has the pre-1967borders and East Jerusalem as its capital as in conformity with the UN’s relevantresolutions.
Addressing the event, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterreswarned that the risks of broader regional escalation are now becoming areality, the humanitarian situation in Gaza is appalling, the entire populationof Gaza is enduring destruction at a scale and speed without parallel in recenthistory, while the situation in the Red Sea is also deeply worrying anddisrupting global trade.
He demanded an immediate and unconditional release of allhostages, urging all parties to refrain from aggressive rhetoric, immediatelyend activities that could further inflame tensions, and resume the delivery ofessential supplies to civilians in Gaza.
The UN leader renewed his appeal for an immediate humanitarianceasefire and requested an immediate end to attacks against commercialvessels in the Red Sea.
At the debate, most countries also expressed concern over the risks ofbroader conflicts and an increasingly severe humanitarian crisis in theterritory. They asked all the parties to exercise self-restraint, preventtensions from escalating, and focus on improving the living conditions ofPalestinians in Gaza.
Many held that the top priority now is to enforce animmediate and durable ceasefire through joint efforts of all regional andinternational partners, and step up urgent and unimpeded delivery of humanitarianaid to civilians in Gaza. They also affirmed the importance of implementing thetwo related resolutions recently adopted by the UN Security Council and appealedfor the early resumption of peace talks on the basis of the two-statesolution./.