Vietnam, RoK foster ties in new situation

Experts from Vietnam and the Republic of Korea (RoK) have gathered at a seminar in Hanoi to seek ways to foster the bilateral relationship in the new context.
Vietnam, RoK foster ties in new situation ảnh 1Illustrative image (Source: Internet)

Hanoi (VNA) - Experts from Vietnam and the Republic of Korea (RoK) have gathered at a seminar in Hanoi to seek ways to foster the bilateral relationship in the new context.

The event was jointly organised by the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences (VASS) and the Academy of the Diplomatic Academy of RoK on November 3.

Dr. Hoang Minh Hang from the VASS’s Institute for Northeast Asian Studies stressed the need for a multilateral security cooperation mechanism for the whole region as countries and territories are tending to show off their military strengths and sea and island sovereignty disputes are increasing.

Hang also highlighted the potential for elevating the bilateral relations between Vietnam and the RoK in the context, saying that they need mutual support and cooperation in protecting their territorial sovereignty.

Both nations have participated in a number of regional cooperation mechanisms, such as the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), the expert said, adding that such mechanisms help strengthen mutual understanding and trust and lay the foundation for a tighter relationship between the two countries.

Meanwhile, Director of the RoK academy Wooseon Choi underlined the similarities in history, culture and experience between his country and Vietnam.

In order to raise the Vietnam-RoK ties to a new height, the two nations should enhance strategic dialogues on and mutual understanding of their shared changing benefits in the region, he underscored.

Maritime security cooperation should be strengthened to protect their marine transport systems, while joint efforts are needed to develop mutual trust for the peaceful resolution of territorial disputes and regional stability, he affirmed.

In addition, the two countries can also collaborate in other fields such as technology, socio-economic development, cultural exchanges and national defence, he added.

Vietnam and the RoK established their bilateral strategic cooperative partnership in 2009.

In 2010, the two nations signed a Memorandum of Understanding on defence cooperation.

They have been holding bilateral strategic defence dialogues at the deputy ministerial level since 2012.


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