The office said that the country continues to enjoy a tradesurplus that has maintained since 2012 (except for 2015 when the countrysuffered a deficit of 3.55 billion USD).
In the first 11 months of this year, Vietnam posted a trade surplusof 10.68 billion USD, of which the foreign-invested sector earned 468.7 billionUSD, up 12.1% year on year.
According to the GSO, over the years, the US has been thelargest export market of Vietnam, while China is the largest import market.
At the end of November, Vietnam exported 101 billion USDworth of goods to the US, a year on year rise of 17.7%. Meanwhile, it imported 109.46 billion USD worth of products from China, up 10%.
Experts attributed the results to the effectiveimplementation of institutional and administrative reform which has created afair, smooth and transparent business environment and offered a favourableconditions for the business community.
Data from the World Trade Organisation showed that in 2006,the Vietnamese economy ranked 50th in the world in terms of export and 44th in import. The rankings rose to 26th and 23rd,respectively, in 2018. Since then, Vietnam has been among the world top 30countries in the fields.
Among the ASEAN countries, Vietnam ranks the second in bothimports and export, only after Singapore in 2021.
In the 2002-2021 period, Vietnam’s total import-exportrevenue reached 5.14 trillion USD, with 4.11 trillion USD recorded in 10 years from 2012to 2021./.