International and regional experts and scientists discussedissues related to the development of websites serving the community in terms of information and data, the overview of the WMO’s service activities, commonalerting protocol, multi-hazard warning system, and multi-hazard early warningconsulting system.
The WMO, formally designated as a specialised agency of theUnited Nations in 1951, has 193 member states and territories.
The 35-member Region II covers a vast expanse of the IndianOcean and part of the Pacific Ocean. It is home to a large and diverse range ofecosystems, including deserts, forests, rivers, lakes and seas. Vietnam has todate held the membership to the regional association for over four decades.
Since 2010, Vietnam's hydro-meteorological sector hascontinuously expanded international cooperation, significantly contributing to increasingtechnical and financial capacity, information exchange and staff training, and safeguardingnational sovereignty./.