Vietnam shares development experience with Cuba

Vietnamese Ambassador to Cuba Nguyen Trung Thanh has talked about Vietnam’s development orientations and experience at a recent talk at Cuba’s National Defence College.
Vietnam shares development experience with Cuba ảnh 1The talk to share Vietnam’s development orientations and experience at Cuba’s National Defence College (Photo: VNA)

Havana (VNA) – Vietnamese Ambassador to Cuba Nguyen Trung Thanh has talked about Vietnam’s development orientations and experience at a recent talk at Cuba’s National Defence College.

In his speech, Thanh reviewed outstanding achievements as well as challenges and risks that the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) defined during its 12th National Congress and the following meetings of the CPV Central Committee.

He also informed participants of certain results of Party building, socio-economic development, defence and security work, and external relations, along with existing shortcomings and weaknesses.

In reply to participants’ queries, the diplomat stressed several features of building the socialist-oriented market economy, highlighting main ideas of a speech delivered by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at Havana University during his State visit to Cuba in March.

He reaffirmed the necessity to develop the socialist-oriented market economy, while emphasising that achievements of the more than 30-year renewal process have helped improve people’s living conditions, and increase Vietnam’s position and prestige in the region and the world.

The ambassador also explained Vietnam’s international integration principles and its policy of considering the nation’s internal strength a decisive factor, developing its relations with neighbourers, regional nations, major economies and international organisations in a practical and effective manner, and respecting and promoting its relations with traditional friends.

Regarding priorities in Vietnam-Cuba cooperation, Ambassador Thanh reaffirmed the determination of the two countries’ senior leaders to develop economic-trade relations on par with the bilateral political ties through the implementation of projects signed during Trong’s visit.-VNA

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