Hanoi (VNA) - Vietnam continues to make an excellent progress in ensuringsocio-economic rights, as reflected through the draft voluntary mid-term reporton the implementation of UPR third cycle recommendations, along with otherinformation and data, a UNDP official has said.
Diana Torres, Assistant Resident Representative &Head of Governance and Participation Unit at UNDP Vietnam, made the commendations duringan interview with the Vietnam News Agency (VNA) on the sidelines of an internationalconsultation workshop on the report in Hanoi on October 22.
She said Vietnam and many other countries have beenheavily affected by COVID-19, expressing her hope that with the measures takenby the government to contain the pandemic and alleviate its socio-economicimpacts, more progress would be made in the time ahead.
Citing the report, she said Vietnam has recorded inclusiveresults, even compared with other regional countries, in social protection,health insurance, poverty reduction and gender quality.
Stephen Taylor, head of the Internal Political Sectionat the British Embassy in Hanoi, echoed Torres, saying Vietnam has recordedpositive results in ensuring socio-economic rights.
He said Vietnam is developing very quickly and peoplehave more opportunities to access health care and food. The general economy isopening up.
Vietnam has done very well in COVID-19 containment, particularlyduring the first stage when Vietnam locked down very quickly, he said.
Ambassador Giorgio Aliberti, head of the EU Delegationto Vietnam, also said the Southeast Asian nation managed well COVID-19, particularlyin the first year when the pandemic broke out.
He highlighted Vietnam’s outstanding achievements in ensuringhuman rights in socio-economic aspects, and pledged that “We are here to helpVietnam improve in all aspects of human rights” with commitments the countryhas made in international agreements.
Vietnam is also making good efforts in trying to takeinto account vulnerable groups, ethnic minorities and people with disabilities,he said.
“There is a genuine commitment to try to work to be more inclusive,” he said.
Vietnam's voluntary spirit applauded

Thismid-term report is the basis for Vietnam to assess the implementation of theapproved recommendations, learn lessons and prepare for the construction of theNational Report for the UPR cycle IV expected in 2024.
In this regard, Torres lauded the Vietnamese governmentfor voluntarily taking steps to review the implementation of the UPRrecommendations in the third cycle.
“It is a very good expression of good will, politicalwill to make sure that Vietnam is on the good track of implementing therecommendations that have been adopted,” she noted.
From discussions at the workshop and the mid-termreport as well, more actions should be taken to make improvements needed incertain areas that are still lagging behind, she suggested.
Aliberti said the report shows good engagement andcommitment on the part of the Vietnamese Government to handle difficult issues.
“And this is a voluntary process and a positive step,”he said.
Taylor also praised Vietnam’s positive spirit in compilingthe document although the country doesn’t have to do.
“The broad structure and content is good,” he toldabout the report.
In his remarks at the workshop, UNDP ResidentRepresentative a.i. in Vietnam Terence D. Jones said it is important to recognizethat the context in which the report has been prepared is still very challenging.
Appreciating Vietnam’s efforts, he said the report hasprovided a framework to discuss these important issues, showing progress inmany areas and related work that needs to be done.
He suggested that the report should be more specificon actions to be taken in the next two years, to enable Vietnam to show moresuccesses.
Good steps towards becoming Human RightsCouncil member
Vietnam is running for election to the United NationsHuman Rights Council (UNHRC) in the 2023-2025 tenure with a hope to contributemore to the world’s joint efforts to promote and protect human rights.
The country is honoured to be nominated by ASEANcountries with high consensus to become the bloc’s candidate for a seat in theUNHRC – the UN’s inter-governmental agency comprising of 47 members in chargeof promoting and protecting human rights around the globe.
Asked about the possibility that Vietnam can win a seatat the council, Torres affirmed that “it is very possible,” adding the countryis taking goods steps towards that goal.
“It will be very important to have Vietnam in thatforum,” she continued. “It will benefit the country in terms of aligning thisdomestic legal framework with international obligations and standards, and alsowill help Vietnam to position as an advocate on human rights at the globallevel.”
The official also described the midterm report as avoluntary gesture and an initiative from Vietnam to demonstrate its commitmentsto human rights at the international level.
As for Vietnam’s ratification of a number of internationalconventions on human rights, Torres said “it is a great step” towards becomingmore integrated into the world and the global society, and realising its commitmentsto international standards.
She emphasised the significance of creating a solid,robust legal framework and justice system in line with international standards./.
According to the draft mid-term report on the implementation of the recommendations accepted at the 3rd UPR cycle, Vietnam has accepted 241/291 recommendations (about 83 percent) at the adoption session of the UPR 3rd Cycle Report at the United Nations Human Rights Council (July 2019). On December 31, 2019, the Prime Minister of Vietnam approved the Master Plan to implement the accepted recommendations in Decision No. 1975/QD-TTg, which directed the development and submission of the Mid-term Report on the implementation of the UPR 3rd cycle recommendations. To date, Vietnam has implemented 199/241 recommendations; of which 32/241 recommendations are ongoing or have been partially implemented and 10/241 recommendations will be consideredfor implementation at suitable time. Vietnam will continue to implement the accepted UPR cycle III recommendations on the basis of the Master Plan for Implementation of the Recommendations approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No. 1975/QD-TTg in 2019. In the coming time, Vietnam wishes and is willing to share information and experiences to strengthen international cooperation, improve capacity in developing the National Report and implementing approved UPR recommendations. |