Ottawa (VNA) – A Vietnam tourism promotion programme was held in Torontoon September 17 night, wrapping up the Vietnamese Culture Week in Canada fromSeptember 11-17.
Co-organisedby the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism (VNAT) and the HanoiPromotion Agency (HPA), the event brought together over 100 representatives of localtourism and trade associations, travel companies, airlines and press agencies,along with Vietnamese diplomats, reporters and businesspeople.
Accordingto VNAT General Director Nguyen Van Tuan, to affirm their positions in theCanadian market, Vietnamese travel companies need to make preparations, takesuitable solutions, create differences, provide high-quality services and showtheir friendliness.
Thenumber of Canadian tourists to Vietnam has remained limited, standing at only138,242 in 2017 and 104,057 in the first eight months of this year, Tuan said.
NguyenDai Trang, Director of the Canada-Vietnam Trade Council, suggested Vietnameseenterprises focus on such groups of Canadian holiday-makers as youths,families, and schools and businesses that want to travel to Vietnam first andthen seek educational and economic cooperation opportunities in the country.
RajatChhabra, General Director of Radisson Suite Hotel, expressed his optimism aboutVietnam’s tourism potential with people, culture, art and cuisine factors, believingthat Vietnam’s tourism promotion in North America will bring about rosyprospects.
Vietnam’stourism has gradually affirmed its position globally, as reflected throughtitles and awards given to the country recently.
ThePacific Area Travel Writers Association has selected Vietnam as an “emergingdestination for luxury travel”. The country was also honoured as “Asia’sLeading Destination” by the World Travel Awards in early September.
In2017, Vietnam welcomed nearly 13 million international tourists, up 29 percentagainst the previous year. The tourism sector generated 23 billion USD, contributingabout 8 percent to the country’s gross domestic product (GDP).
Manyparticipating businesses expressed their belief that after the Comprehensiveand Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) comes into effect,the favourable business environment will create new waves of Canadianinvestment into Vietnam.
TheTourism Roadshow in North America in September continues to send the message of“Vietnam-Timeless Charm” to international friends.-VNA