According to Dr. Nguyen Pham Anh Hoa, head of the HepatologyDepartment and Dr. Bui Ngoc Lan, head of the Oncology Department of the NationalChildren's Hospital, the girl was diagnosed with late-stage liver cancer when she was 11months old. The healthy part of her liver is too small, making it impossible to cut the cancerous part of the organ.
After consultations between the two hospitals on May 25,Associate Prof. Dr. Tran Minh Dien, Director of the National Children'sHospital decided to conduct a liver transplant to save the girl,
The donor is her mother, a 41-year-old woman.
Dr. Le Van Thanh, head of the Department of Hepatobiliaryand Pancreatic Surgery at the 108 Central Military Hospital said that despitethe complicacy of the operation, experienced doctors from the two hospitalsmanaged to perform it successfully on May 29.
The girl recovered two weeks later and was discharged from thehospital.
Earlier on January 21, the 108 Central Military Hospital signedan agreement on liver transplanttraining and technology transferring with the National Children's Hospital. Theoperation took place only several months after the agreement.
This is the first successful livertransplant for a child suffering from liver cancer in Vietnam, opening up hopes forchildren suffering from the disease./.