Tran Viet Anh, head of Strategic Division under the Electricity of Vietnam(EVN) told the workshop entitled ‘Developing Sustainable Energy and ProtectingEnvironment in Vietnam’ that the shortages are likely to happen from 2020 to2025.
To meet surging demand for power, the country needs 60,000MW of electricity by2020; 96,500MW of electricity by 2025 and 129,500MW of electricity by 2030.This means total installed capacity would have to increase by 6,000-7,000MW ofelectricity per year.
Anh said the total installed capacity of the electricity sector is currently47,750MW. Thus, he said, raising the capacity to 129,500MW in just 12 years wasa big challenge given the slow progress of many power plants.
He said only seven coal-fired power plants with total capacity of 7,860MW werecurrently under construction. More than 18,000 of 26,000MW of coal thermalpower projects are expected to be operational in the next five years, however,construction has not yet started.
Regarding oil and gas, Vu Truong Son, Director General of the Vietnam NationalOil and Gas Group (PetroVietnam), said Vietnam would need 10 million tonnes ofliquefied natural gas (LNG) by 2020. Therefore, besides exploiting existingoilfields, it was necessary to consider building infrastructure for importingLNG.
A representative from the Vietnam National Coal and Mineral Industries Group(Vinacomin) said it was able to supply only between 42-45 million tonnes ofcoal per year while the domestic coal demand rose suddenly over the past eightyears (from 20 million tonnes in 2009 to 40 million tonnes in 2017). Most ofthem were for electricity production.
To meet the need for more coal, the corporation has sought to imports.
The amount of coal imported climbed rapidly to more than 14.67 million tonneslast year from three million tonnes in 2014.
It was estimated the amount of coal needed for production of electricity wouldreach 60 million tonnes by 2020 and 86 million tonnes by 2025. So far thisyear, the amount of coal providing for thermal plants was 26.9 million tonnes.That figure would rise to 31.9 million in 2019.
The corporation has been suffering difficulties in coal exploitation due tooutdated technology and a shortage of funds for infrastructure development, therepresentative said.
The increase in tax for coal including environment fee and fee for licensingalso posed a challenge, he said.
Speaking at the workshop, Tran Viet Ngai, Chairman of the Vietnam EnergyAssociation, said it was necessary to review electricity producing projects toensure energy security. Obstacles to those projects should be resolved to speedup their progress.
He proposed that a detail strategy be set forth to deal with coal shortage,ensuring that thermal power plants have enough material for normal operation.
Ngai also suggested that special treatment such as loan guarantee be offered toinvestors so that power projects could be soon built and operated. Theseprojects could not bring high profit so it was difficult to attract foreigninvestment, he said. — VNS/VNA