Whilebriefing her guest on results of the election of the 13 th NationalAssembly, Ngan said the proportion of Vietnamese NA female deputies nowstands at 24.4 percent.
Vietnam will continue to increase the involvement of women in the National Assembly in future tenures, she said.
The NA Vice Chairwoman said that Vietnam pays strong attention topromoting gender equality and creating opportunities and conditions forwomen to participate in the political sector.
Shecited the Vietnamese Government’s approval of a gender quality strategyduring the 2011-2020 period with the aim of narrowing the gap in suchfields as economics, politics and labour, while increasing women’sengagement in managerial and leadership posts.
Nganexpressed her wish that the visiting US women will contribute toboosting the multifaceted cooperation between the two sides when theyreturn home and that Vietnamese and US women will share the samevoice in building peace and stability and development of the twocountries.
For her part, Senator Lisa Brown saidthe visit aims to study and exchange viewpoints as well as heightenunderstanding of gender equality, contributing to bringing moredevelopment opportunities for women, not only in the US but also incountries worldwide.
She said she hops that US andVietnamese women will continue to exchange experiences in health care,education and protection of the rights of women and children./.