Meetingwith President of the National Assembly of Cambodia Heng Samrin inHanoi on August 18, the Government leader expressed his delight at thegrowing bilateral relationship, saying that the two countries havealways cooperated with and supported each other for common development.
He said he hopes that President Heng Samrin and theCambodian NA will continue backing the two countries’ joint efforts inland border demarcation and marker planting in the spirit of friendshipand sincerity as well as in accordance with their laws and internationalpractices.
It is necessary to put forth appropriatesolutions acceptable to both in order to complete this important workas soon as possible, contributing to building a shared borderline ofpeace, friendship and long-term sustainability, he noted.
PM Dung suggested that the Cambodian NA assist the definition of theVietnamese community’s legal status, helping them integrate better intothe Cambodian society and contribute to the host country’s developmentas well as bilateral ties.
At the same time,Vietnamese enterprises investing in industrial tree planting inCambodia also need more support from the Cambodian side, especially inremoving difficulties in handing over farming land to them, he added.
He also urged the Cambodian NA will continue supportfor the search and repatriation of the remains of more than 5,000Vietnamese volunteer soldiers fallen in the country.
Regarding the recent acts of some Khmer Kampuchea Krom extremists suchas staging illegal demonstrations against Vietnam and even burningthe country’s national flag, which hurt Vietnamese people, PM Dung askedthe Cambodian NA and Government to take suitable measures to preventsimilar cases.
Concurring with PM Dung’s proposals,Heng Samrin said he feels regret about the demonstration againstVietnam, especially the burning of the national flag of the country,saying that these actions were conducted by a group of extremists whowere incited by some elements with no knowledge of the history of thetwo countries.
He said the Cambodian NA and he himself wereangry about these acts, adding that his country has applied strongmeasures to deal with the incident and punish violators, and will do itsbest, using the law, to prevent such actions from repeating.
He affirmed that his visit aims to further strengthen the relationshipbetween the two legislative bodies and the two countries in general. Italso reflects Cambodian’s aspiration to join Vietnam in fosteringthe bilateral ties.
The top Cambodian legislatoralso thanked the Party, State, Government and people of Vietnam fortheir specious support for the past struggle for national liberation,rescuing Cambodians from the genocidal catastrophe, as well as forhelping the country in its reconstruction and development.
Confirming that Vietnam is the leading economic partner of Cambodia,Heng Samrin said he hopes that Vietnam will continue assistingCambodia’s development by boosting partnership in economy, trade andinvestment and encouraging Vietnamese enterprises to invest in Cambodia.-VNA