Vietnamese Ambassador to UK presents credentials

Vietnamese Ambassador to the UK Tran Ngoc An presented his credentials to Queen Elizabeth II in London at a ceremony on May 3.
Vietnamese Ambassador to UK presents credentials ảnh 1Vietnamese Ambassador to the UK (R) shakes hands with  Queen Elizabeth II  while presenting credentials (Photo: VNA) 

London (VNA) –
Vietnamese Ambassador to the UK Tran Ngoc An presented his credentials to Queen Elizabeth II in London at a ceremony on May 3.

At the ceremony, Queen Elizabeth II expressed her satisfaction over the friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and the UK over the past time.

She said many members of the British royal family such as Prince Andrew and Prince William had visited Vietnam and all had good impression of the Southeast Asian country.

Ambassador An said he was honoured to become Vietnamese Ambassador to the UK at a time when the relations between the two countries are growing well.

He pledged to do his utmost to promote the bilateral friendship and cooperative relations.

Later, at a reception for diplomatic representatives and overseas Vietnamese in the UK, An highlighted the development strides in the multifaceted cooperation between the two nations over the past time, especially in economics, trade, investment, defence, education and training.

He noted that two-way trade posted annual growth of 13 percent in 2017. Vietnam welcomed nearly 300,000 visitors from the UK. 

The ambassador said 2018 is a special year in the two countries’ relations as it marks the 45th anniversary of their diplomatic ties. 

He informed the guests that the Vietnamese Embassy in the UK will coordinate with relevant agencies to host a series of activities to herald this event.-VNA

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