The word chocolate mostly reminds us to Belgium or France. But you might want to think again as a Vietnamese chocolate has been making waves, with the renowned New York Times calling it “the best chocolate you have never tasted.”

“Delicate scents, colourful look and brand new experience of enjoying chocolate” are anyone’s experiences when setting foot in Maison Marou chocolate patisserie in Hanoi. What makes chocolate here so special is that cocoa here is all planted in Vietnam.

 “People may think of European countries when talking about chocolate. However here there is Vietnamese chocolate. It’s kind of cool I think,” said customer Phan Hoang Thai Phuong.

Marou was launched in 2012 by Sam Maruta and Vincent Mourou. The French and American men had no experience of the food industry until they met in Vietnam.

Ever since, they have nurtured a dream of making Vietnamese chocolate a highlight in the world.

Their hard work has started paying off as the New York Times called it “the best chocolate you have never tasted.”

 “The product is very authentic. Packaging is beautiful. And the taste is unique, extraordinary,” said Aaron Everhart, a US Diner.“Every year before I go back home for the holiday, my family always asks me to bring some more Marou chocolate,” he added.

Marou chocolate bars are produced under a closed process called bean-to-bar in Vietnam with all local ingredients. The process requires the firm to work closely with local farmers to guarantee the best quality ingredients for their products.

So if you are looking for a sweet and distinctive gift, or simply want to have a brand new experience of chocolate, Marou won’t let you down.-VNA