Vietnamese community in Yaroslavl look towards the homeland

There are only over 200 Vietnamese nationals in Yaroslavl, including students studying at military schools, but they have had many practical and exciting activities towards the homeland.

Yaroslavl is an ancient city located 280km northeast of Moscow with many ancient churches, monasteries and museums.

There are only over 200 Vietnamese nationals in Yaroslavl, including students studying at military schools, but they have had many practical and exciting activities towards the homeland. When the country’s territorial sovereignty is violated, their solidarity rises highly.

They held a meeting named “Looking towards the homeland’s sea and islands” in order to oppose China’s wrongdoings at Viet Nam’s sea areas. Many Russian people who are sympathetic toward Viet Nam attended and delivered speeches at the meeting.

Sharing with Vietnamese nationals, these Russian friends expressed their viewpoint supporting Viet Nam’s sovereignty over Truong Sa and Hoang Sa islands. The Vietnamese community raised nearly US$2,000 to contribute to the fund “For Homeland’s Sea and Islands”. The money was sent to the fund in Viet Nam via the Vietnamese Embassy in Russia.

They also held many exciting activities such as Tet (Lunar New Year) festival, Vietnamese Cultural Day and Kindness Club. Clubs of martial arts, table tennis, guitars and bamboo flutes attract the participation of many young people.

Vietnamese people in Yaroslavl are very kind and often support each other and always educate their children to love the homeland and never forget their roots./.


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