Vietnamese FM meets with Australian PM

Vietnamese Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son paid a courtesy visit to Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese on September 12 on the occasion of his official visit to Australia to co-chair the 4th Vietnam - Australia Foreign Ministers' Meeting.
Vietnamese FM meets with Australian PM ảnh 1Vietnamese Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son (R) and Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese (Photo:VNA)
Sydney (VNA) - Vietnamese Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son paid a courtesy visit to Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese on September 12 on the occasion of his official visit to Australia to co-chair the 4th Vietnam - Australia Foreign Ministers' Meeting. 

At the meeting, Son also thanked the Australian government for providing Vietnam with 22.2 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines and medical equipment and supplies since the COVID-19 pandemic broke out, saying that those helped Vietnam control the pandemic and soon recover socio-economic development.
He highlighted the strong development of the Vietnam - Australia strategic partnership across fields, saying that mutual understanding and political trust have been strengthened; and economic - trade relations have been expanded with two-way turnover exceeding 10 billion USD. 

The Minister suggested the Australian government and PM Albanese continue to pay attention to promoting cooperation with Vietnam, especially in new energy and climate change response, and help Vietnam fulfil its commitments at the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26). 

He urged the two sides to actively prepare activities to celebrate the 50th founding anniversary of the diplomatic relations, including organising high-level visits, cultural and tourism activities, and people-to-people exchange. 

For his part, Australian PM Albanese highlighted the significance of FM Son’s visit to Australia, saying that it contributes to further promoting the strategic partnership between Vietnam and Australia.

He congratulated Vietnam on its important achievements in socio-economic development, as well as the country’s increasing role and position in the region, and affirmed that the Australian government always considers Vietnam a friend and an important partner in ASEAN and the region, and always attach great importance to developing the Strategic Partnership with Vietnam.

Albanese affirmed his support for the Vietnamese FM’s proposals, expressing his belief that the two sides will discuss specific measures to expand and deepen the strategic partnership between the two countries at the 4th Vietnam-Australia Foreign Ministers’ Meeting. 

He called on Vietnam to continue promoting its role in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), contributing to further fostering the ASEAN - Australia comprehensive strategic partnership./.

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