Vietnamese Government grants masks to Vietnamese community in Spain

The Vietnamese Government has sent nearly 1,500 anti-bacterial cloth face masks to the Vietnamese community in Spain.
Vietnamese Government grants masks to Vietnamese community in Spain ảnh 1Vietnamese Government grants masks to Vietnamese community in Spain (Photo:

Hanoi (VNA) – The Vietnamese Government has sent nearly 1,500 anti-bacterial cloth face masks to the Vietnamese community in Spain.

The masks were handed over to the community in a ceremony on May 28 at the Vietnamese Embassy in Spain.
Ambassador Hoang Xuan Hai said the gift reflects the concern of the Vietnamese Government towards overseas Vietnamese even when the government is stretching all domestic resources to prevent and curb the COVID-19 epidemic in the country.

He noted that on April 7, Vietnam also presented Spain with 110,000 anti-bacterial cloth masks worth 70,000 USD.

There are about 2,000 Vietnamese living in Spain, with 600 being students.               

Speaking on behalf of the Vietnamese community in Madrid, Tran Thi Thu Thuy thanked the Vietnamese Government, describing the gift as a timely encouragement for the community during this time of difficulty.
The Chairman of the association of families with adopted children from Vietnam Mr. Angel said the gift from the Vietnamese Government is a spiritual encouragement that shows the bond between the association and Vietnam in general and the Embassy in particular.

There are more than 1,000 families across Spain that have adopted children from Vietnam./.


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