Macau (VNA) – The Consulate General of Vietnam inHong Kong and Macau (China), in collaboration with the Association of Vietnamese in Macau,held a gathering in the Macau Special Administrative Region on April 30 to commemorate the 48th anniversary ofthe southern liberation and national reunification (April 30) and International May Day (May 1).
Theevent was also meant to mark Hung Kings Commemoration Day (the 10th of the third lunar month which fell on April 29 this year), President Ho ChiMinh's birth anniversary (May 19).
Speaking at the event, Vietnamese Consul General in Hong Kong and MacaoPham Binh Dam said the gathering provides an occasion to recallthe shining milestones in Vietnamese history and the home country's traditions, as well as tighten the bond among the Vietnamese community.
Duong Trung Duc,Chairman of the association, said the associationwill strive to be a source of spiritual support of the Vietnamese people, helping them builda strong Vietnamese community in Macau, and actively contribute to the host society.
Onbehalf of the Vietnamese Consul Generalin Hong Kong and Macau, Consul NguyenTuan Anh presented certificates of merit to Vietnamese individuals andcollectives in Macau in recognition of their active contributions to thehomeland and the association.
Onthe occasion of the International May Day, Vice Chairwoman of the associationTran Thi Gon launched a campaign throughout the month, calling on every Vietnamese in Macau to work hard and help popularise the image ofVietnam as well as its consumer goods and tourist destinations to local people.
The Vietnamese community is the second biggest foreign community in Macau, after the Philippine community./.