Phan Khanh Trang, a student from HueCollege of Arts got a grand prize at Japan’s second annualInternational Furoshiki Design Contest for students at universities andvocational schools around the world.
This wasthe first time that Vietnam had participated in the contest. Apartfrom Trang, three other Vietnamese students won a merit prize and oneearned an honorable mention.
Organised by the JapanInternational Exchange Fund, the contest aims to promote culturalcooperation between Japan and other cultures across the world. Thedesign models of wrapping cloths featured Japan ’s traditionalcultural trait as well as showed its applicability in the modern life tocontribute to protecting the environment.
Theawards ceremony to Vietnamese students is expected to take place inHanoi on March 3. The models and unique applications from the contestwill be displayed in the Japan Foundation Centre for Culture Exchange inVietnam until March 10./.

Experts call for safety measures as motorbikes remain dominant transport choice
Statistics from authorities show that motorbikes are involved in approximately 65-70 per cent of traffic accidents in the country.