Vietnamese top legislator meets UN General Assembly President

National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung met with President of the 70th UN General Assembly Mogens Lykketoft on September 2 (Vietnam time).
Vietnamese top legislator meets UN General Assembly President ảnh 1NA Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung meets with President of the 70 th UN General Assembly Mogens Lykketoft (Photo: VNA)

National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung met with President of the 70th UN General Assembly Mogens Lykketoft on September 2 (Vietnam time) on the fringes of the fourth World Conference of Speakers of Parliament in New York.

The Vietnamese top legislator congratulated Lykketoft on his election as President of the 70 th UN General Assembly. He voiced his hope that the spirit of the Hanoi Declaration will be reflected in documents of the upcoming UN Summit on approving the post-2015 Development Agenda.

Since becoming an official member of the UN, Vietnam always seriously abides by regulations of the UN Charter, he stated.

NA Chairman Hung highlighted Vietnam’s commitments to continue with efforts to fulfil sustainable development goals (SDGs) and criteria to be adopted by the UN.

Vietnam perpetually wishes to protect and consolidate peace and national security, and better cope with climate change as the country is among those most severely affected by the phenomena, he said, describing them as factors important to Vietnam’s successful implementation of the SDGs.

NA Chairman Hung noted his hope that the UNAG President will support the Southeast Asian nation in this regard.

In response, Lykkettoft said he was impressed by the socio-economic achievements Vietnam has recorded over the past years, particularly the country’s success in realising the MDGs.

Sharing Vietnam’s difficulties in combating climate change, the President expressed his belief that with international support, the country will better fulfill the UN goals, for peace and prosperity in the region and the world at large.

The same day, NA Chairman Hung held a reception for Speaker of the People’s Assembly of Syria Mohamad Jihad Allaham, during which he reiterates Vietnam’s wish to promote the fruitful friendship with Syria.

He said the exchange of high-ranking delegations is necessary to boost mutual understanding between the two States and peoples.

Vietnam is eager to be a friend and a trust-worthy partner of all countries, the Vietnamese legislator stressed, offering sympathy to Syria over the difficulties caused by uncertainties and conflicts in the country.

Hailing progresses in cooperation between the two countries, the Syrian Speaker said he hopes the world, including Vietnam, will have an accurate understanding about the true situation in his country.

Syria is maximising efforts to fight terrorists, increase dialogues, build a Constitutions and finalise the legal system, he noted.

The Speaker called on the Vietnamese legislature to create the optimum conditions for Vietnamese businesses to invest in his country.

Syria wishes to learn from Vietnam’s socio-economic development experience, particularly in agriculture, he said, suggesting the two countries’ legislative bodies step up their cooperation and experience sharing in law-making.

On this occasion, the Speaker invited NA Chairman Hung to visit Syria in the time ahead.-VNA


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