Vietnamese, Ukrainian war veterans foster friendship

The Vietnamese war veterans’ association in Ukraine and the Ukraine-Vietnam war veterans’ association gathered to mark the 73rd anniversary of the victory over fascism (May 9).
Vietnamese, Ukrainian war veterans foster friendship ảnh 1At the meeting (Source: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – The Vietnamese war veterans’ association in Ukraine and the Ukraine-Vietnam war veterans’ association gathered to mark the 73rd anniversary of the victory over fascism (May 9).

Vietnamese Ambassador Nguyen Anh Tuan, along with Vietnamese and Ukrainian war veterans and representatives of the Vietnamese community in Ukraine laid wreaths at the Ukraine martyrs monument in Vysgorod city, Kiev province.

Speaking at the gathering on May 11, Ambassador Tuan lauded great contributions made by the army and people of Ukraine to the World War II, especially those who died for the Victory Day.

Vietnamese people always keep in mind the support of Ukrainian war veterans and people for their struggle for liberation as well as national construction and defence, he said.

The diplomat expressed his hope that the war veterans will continue to work as a bridge to preserve and develop the fruitful traditional friendship between the two countries, contributing to boosting the bilateral partnership and comprehensive cooperation.

On this occasion, Ambassador Tuan presented a certificate of merit of the Vietnamese Embassy to Major General Vladimir Popovich, President of the Ukraine-Vietnam war veterans’ association, and souvenirs to two other veterans to honour their contributions to the traditional friendship between Vietnam and Ukraine in general and war veterans of the two countries in particular. -VNA

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