Vietnamese women benefit from vocational training support project

Officials of the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs and the Republic of Korea (RoK)’s Ministry of Gender Equality and Family were delighted at the outcomes of their joint project on vocational training support for Vietnamese women after four years of implementation.
Officials of the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs and the Republic of Korea (RoK)’s Ministry of Gender Equality and Family were delighted at the outcomes of their joint project on vocational training support for Vietnamese women after four years of implementation.

At a workshop in the central province of Quang Nam on November 4, it was reported that the project had set up employment support centres and a number of helpful services such as employment consulting hotlines, childcare centres and vocational courses targeting women in the three target localities – the northern province of Thai Binh, Quang Nam province and the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho. It also boosted the management and leadership skills of local officials in running the support centres.

In Can Tho City, besides opening courses on soft skills and Korean language learning, the centre gave useful advice for more than 4,000 women each year in terms of labour law, procedures to work overseas and unemployment benefit policies. The centre has helped 730 female workers find jobs in 2014.

Quang Nam province launched the project in mid-2014, focusing on vocational training in the fields of beauty care and handicrafts. The province also sent officials to the RoK to learn more about advanced support models for women.

Oh Min Ok, a senior official from International Cooperation Division under the RoK’s Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, said her ministry will continue cooperating with Vietnam to organise and expand the joint programme to other localities in the coming time.-VNA

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