VietnamPlus e-newspaper launches Russian version

The launch of the Russian version has contributed to helping VietnamPlus e-newspaper better foster the long-standing relationship between Vietnam and Russia and provide a fast, reliable news source.
VietnamPlus e-newspaper launches Russian version ảnh 1VietnamPlus, an e-newspaper of Vietnam News Agency, officially launched the Russian version at on March 3 (Photo: VNA)
VietnamPlus e-newspaper launches Russian version ảnh 2Speaking at the launch ceremony, Deputy General Director of the Vietnam News Agency Le Quoc Minh emphasized that the Russian version on VietnamPlus was born to cultivate the traditional relationship between Vietnam and Russia (Photo: VNA)
VietnamPlus e-newspaper launches Russian version ảnh 3Delegates and distinguished guests attending the event (Photo: VNA)
VietnamPlus e-newspaper launches Russian version ảnh 4VietnamPlus Editor-in-Chief Tran TienDuan speaks at the ceremony (Photo: VNA)
VietnamPlus e-newspaper launches Russian version ảnh 5The Russian version helps raise the number of languages VietnamPlus is publishing to six, including Vietnamese, English, Chinese, French and Spanish (Photo: VNA)
VietnamPlus e-newspaper launches Russian version ảnh 6With the debut of the Russian version, VietnamPlus continues to affirm its stature as the only national e-newspaper for foreign services in Vietnam (Photo: VNA)
VietnamPlus e-newspaper launches Russian version ảnh 7Delegates and distinguished guests attending the event (Photo: VNA)

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