Vietnam’s 10 outstanding science-technology events in 2018

The Vietnam Science and Technology Journalists Club on December 25 announced 10 outstanding science and technology events in 2018, selected by science and technology journalists from 20 central and local media agencies.
Hanoi (VNA) – The Vietnam Science and Technology Journalists Club onDecember 25 announced 10 outstanding science and technology events in 2018,selected by science and technology journalists from 20 central and local mediaagencies.

The events cover aspects of policy, social science andhumanity, research of application, international integration and outstandingscientists. This is the 13th year the club has issued the list.

Following is the list of the top 10 events:

1. The Digital Vietnamese knowledge system is put into operation  

The project,launched under the direction of Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam, aims to shareknowledge, encourage creativity and connect the community for Vietnam’s future.The system collects the world’s knowledgetranslated into Vietnamese and Vietnamese knowledge that has been systematisedfor easy study and search.
Vietnam’s 10 outstanding science-technology events in 2018 ảnh 1Digital Vietnamese knowledge system's interface (Photo: VNA)

2. Dr. Tran Dinh Phong, Director of the Department of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, University of Science and Technology of Hanoi, and his group win the Ta Quang Buu Award for their research project in the physics field entitled “Coordination polymer structure and revisited hydrogen evolution catalytic mechanism for amorphous molybdenum sulfide”.

The catalyst for this chemical reaction is platinum, arare and expensive material. The research of Dr. Phong and his collaboratorssuccessfully demonstrated the structure and mechanism of amorphous molybdenumsulfide, an easy-to-fabricate, low-cost material as an alternative toplatinum for the hydrogen evolution reaction from water. Dr. Phong’s researchis a considerable step in the race to find solutions to clean energy andcut CO2 emissions.
Vietnam’s 10 outstanding science-technology events in 2018 ảnh 2NDeputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam (first, left) and Minister of Science and Technology Chu Ngoc Anh (first, right) present Ta Quang Buu Award to the outstanding scientists (Photo: VNA)

3. Viettel Group’s online charging system called vOCS 3.0 wins gold for best new product or service of the year in telecommunications by International Business Stevie Awards in London on October 10.

Currently, vOCS 3.0 is used in 11 countries with 170mobile service subscribers, with the capacity of each site serving up to 100 million subscribers. The most distinctive feature ofvOCS 3.0 is the ability to design for each customer a tariff package, thus opening opportunities for vICS 3.0 to be applied in manycountries around the globe.
Vietnam’s 10 outstanding science-technology events in 2018 ảnh 3Illustrative image (Source: Viettel)

4. A machine that makes snow ice from seawater to preserve seafood during offshore fishing is introduced

The machine is made by Le Van Luan and hiscolleagues from the Centre for High Technology Development under the Vietnam Academy of Science andTechnology (VAST). Using snow icemade from seawater to preserve seafood helps prolong storage time of seafood onboard due to lower storage temperature than ice made from fresh water, withfaster icing time, thus improving seafood quality, reducing post-harvest lossand contributing to protecting the environment.
Vietnam’s 10 outstanding science-technology events in 2018 ảnh 4A look of the machine (Photo: VNA)

5. Vingroupdebuts Fund for Science and Technology Applications

The 2 trillionVND (86 million USD) fund provides assistance for research projects in computerscience, artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, automation, nanotechnology,renewable energy and next-generation materials.
Vietnam’s 10 outstanding science-technology events in 2018 ảnh 5Prof. Vu Ha Van, manager of the Fund for Science and Technology Applications, addresses the ceremony to introduce the fund (Photo: VNA)

6. Project tobuild A Chau Hi-tech Electrical Equipment factory gets approval

On November 1,the Hoa Lac Hi-tech Park Management Board granted an investment licence to the AChau Industrial Technology Joint Stock Company to build the A Chau Hi-techElectrical Equipment Factory. On the same day, the company and France-basedSchneider Electric Group signed a cooperation and technology transferagreement. The signing marked a breakthrough in production, integration,development, management and monitoring the automation of the energy system inVietnam.

Vietnam’s 10 outstanding science-technology events in 2018 ảnh 6(Photo: VNA)

7. Industry 4.0Summit and Expo 2018

The large-scaleinternational event took place from July 11-13 chaired by Prime Minister NguyenXuan Phuc, drawing nearly 2,000 delegates, including ambassadors, foreignexperts and representatives from international organisations and domestic andforeign enterprises. It served the building of policies for Vietnam toparticipate in the fourth Industrial Revolution in a proactive and effectivemanner. It also offered a chance to promote investment in technology.
Vietnam’s 10 outstanding science-technology events in 2018 ảnh 7Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc attends the Industry 4.0 Summit and Expo 2018 (Photo: VNA)

8. VietnameseProfessor Dam Thanh Son wins 2018 Dirac Medal and Prize

On August 8, DamThanh Son from the University of Chicago was named one the three winners of the2018 Dirac Medal and Prize by International Centre for Theoretical Physics(ICTP), together with Subir Sachdev of Harvard University and Xiao-Gang Wen ofthe Massachusetts Institute of Technology. They received the honour for theirindependent contributions toward understanding novel phases in stronglyinteracting many-body systems, introducing original cross-disciplinary techniques.

Vietnam’s 10 outstanding science-technology events in 2018 ảnh 8Professor Dam Thanh Son (Photo: VNA)

9. Dr. Nguyen ThiHiep is honoured as the world’s young talented scientist

Nguyen Thi Hiepwas selected to be part of the International Rising Talents Programme of theL’Oreal-UNESCO For Women In Science Awards, revealed on March 21 in Paris, France.

Her work focuseson biomaterials such as bio-glue, bio-tape and needleless suturing for woundrepair that can be used by patients at home. Her most recent project involvesthe development of a gel that is mainly formed by cross-linking hyaluronic acid(which contributes significantly to cell proliferation and migration) andchitosan (useful in tissue regeneration). It can carry other ingredients suchas silver and curcumin nano-particles for different uses.

Vietnam’s 10 outstanding science-technology events in 2018 ảnh 9Dr Nguyen Thi Hiep (R) introduces her research (Photo: VNA)

10. Relics of prehistorichumans found in the volcanic caves in Krong No, the central highlands provinceof Dak Nong.-VNA
Vietnam’s 10 outstanding science-technology events in 2018 ảnh 10(Photo: VNA)

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Illustrative image (Photo: VNA)

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Illustrative image (Photo: VNA)

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Illustrative image (Photo: VNA)

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