Lieutenant Colonel Stéphane Pierrat, an European Unionexpert for peacekeeping sent to the Vietnam Department of Peacekeeping Operations,told the Vietnam News Agency that the Vietnamese peacekeepers are “fullycapable to join all the standards from United Nations”, and that they are provingtheir experience on the ground in South Sudan.

Since June 2014, Vietnam has deployed three level-2 fieldhospitals to South Sudan. The first two fulfilled their tasks and alreadyreturned home while the third departed for the African country on March 23.
Talking about Vietnam’s dedicationto UN peacekeeping operations, Major Colonel Adam R. Lulay, Bilateral AffairsOfficer from the US Office of Defence Cooperation, said: “The experiences thatVietnam is seeing and getting well over in South Sudan, they can bring a lot ofthose lessons learned back here and incorporated into Vietnam, but also spreadit to their peers and the future missions.”
The Vietnamese force’s performancein South Sudan is an exemplar of medical assistance, especially amid thecurrent challenges of COVID-19, according to the officer.

Over the last six years, Vietnamhas included 20 servicewomen in its level-2 field hospital staff, accounting fornearly 16 percent, and four others individually deployed to UN peacekeepingoperations, higher than the recommended 15 percent.
Major General Hoang Kim Phung,Director of the Vietnam Department of Peacekeeping Operations, noted though thecountry has just taken part in UN peacekeeping operations, it has made a greatimpression on international friends, particularly the UN and the missions inSouth Sudan and the Central African Republic.
The performance by both the firstand second level-2 field hospitals has been highly valued by the mission leadersand the UN. The UN Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations Jean-PierreLacroix also sent a thank-you letter to the Vietnamese Government for themedical contribution./.