The US remained the biggest buyer ofVietnamese shrimpproducts in the reviewed period, with 775 million USD in export value, 22.2percent higher than that of the same period last year. Vietnam is the fourth largest shrimp supplier in volume and the fifth in value for the US market.
It was followed by Japan, the European Union (EU), Hong Kong (China) and theRepublic of Korea (RoK) with respective values of 413 million USD, 408 millionUSD, 298 million USD and 261 million USD.
White-leg shrimp is the main export product of Vietnam's shrimp industry, contributing2.1 billion USD to the total turnover in Jan – September.
According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade’s Import-Export Agency, thanksto great efforts of southern localities to control the COVID-19 pandemic, thecountry’s shrimp export has gradually recovered since October. /.