Visiting 500-year-old jackfruit tree in Hanoi

The jackfruit tree with a strange and rough shape, has been standing tall in front of the communal house of Cho village in Co Loa commune in Hanoi's Dong Anh district for half a millennium. Up to now, the ancient tree still bears fruits.
Visiting 500-year-old jackfruit tree in Hanoi ảnh 1This jackfruit tree is probably the most 'oldest' in Vietnam. It has a quaint and rough shape and has been standing tall in front of the communal house of Cho village in Co Loa commune in Hanoi's Dong Anh district for about 500 years. Jackfruit is considered the biggest fruit in Vietnam. The fruit is often oval-shaped with a green-to-yellow, thick, and spiky shell. The flesh is divided into small oval segments, but unlike in orange, the inside segments of jack-fruit bear similar to pomegranate but with larger seeds and larger glossy yellow pulps. It is honey-like sweet, sometimes crunchy, but the most delicious one is usually tender with a sweet fragrance. (Photo: VietnamPlus)
Visiting 500-year-old jackfruit tree in Hanoi ảnh 2This jackfruit tree was planted by residents in Co Loa ancient citadel 500 years ago. Co Loa now is serving as not only a cultural relic and evidence of ancient Vietnamese’ creativeness and technical level, but also an ideal destination for visitors. Not only associated to the Vietnamese nation’s legends like the selection of the capital by King An Duong Vuong, the creation of a multiple-shot crossbow or a moving love, the Co Loa ancient citadel is a unique tourist attraction of Hanoi. Described as the largest ancient citadel in Vietnam, the Co Loa historical relic covers about 500 ha. It was built at the order by King An Duong Vuong in the third century BC as the capital of the then Au Lac (now Vietnam), in Hanoi’s outlying district of Dong Anh. (Photo: VietnamPlus)
Visiting 500-year-old jackfruit tree in Hanoi ảnh 3The jackfruit tree stump is so big that two people can't hold it. The Co Loa ancient citadel had various names like Loa (Snail) Thanh, Con Lon Thanh, Tu Long Thanh, Cuu Thanh, Viet Vuong Thanh , Kha Lu Thanh and Co Loa Thanh. In the 10th century, it became the capital for the second time when Ngo Quyen was the King of the country. Not only a cultural heritage, the Co Loa ancient citadel these days is standing as evidence of the creativeness, culture and the technical levels of the ancient Vietnamese in the national defence against foreign aggressors. For local villagers, the Co Loa ancient citadel still holds an important role in their spiritual life and cultural activities. (Photo: VietnamPlus)
Visiting 500-year-old jackfruit tree in Hanoi ảnh 4The precinct surrounding the ancient jackfruit tree becomes a stopover for villagers to relax and rest every afternoon. With its quaint and rough shape, the tree has also drawn attention from visitors when coming to the locality. Jackfruit is the largest fruit and also the hardest to crack open. The fruit is often eaten raw. Jackfruit is rich in nutrients, minerals, and vitamins that are good for the body. It provides many benefits for human health, from strengthening the immune system, fighting cancer, helping the digestive system, maintaining healthy eyes and skin, reducing cholesterol in the blood, to preventing anemia. In addition to its nutritional value, jackfruit is also used as a medical element. (Photo: VietnamPlus)
Visiting 500-year-old jackfruit tree in Hanoi ảnh 5The ancient jackfruit tree has a unique and quaint shape. It has been standing tall in front of the communal house of Cho village, Co Loa commune in Hanoi's Dong Anh district for about 500 years. Jackfruit is considered the biggest fruit in Vietnam. The fruit is often oval-shaped with a green-to-yellow, thick, and spiky shell. The flesh is divided into small oval segments, but unlike in orange, the inside segments of jack-fruit bear similar to pomegranate but with larger seeds and larger glossy yellow pulps. It is honey-like sweet, sometimes crunchy, but the most delicious one is usually tender with a sweet fragrance. (Photo: VietnamPlus)
Visiting 500-year-old jackfruit tree in Hanoi ảnh 6The imprint of time is seen on each branch that stretches across the yard. The jackfruit is an erect, evergreen tree that grows up to 30 m high and 80-200 cm in diameter. All parts of the plant – trunk, leaves and fruits – contain white, sticky latex. Young jackfruit leaves are lobed but they become entire as they mature. The leaves are dark green and shiny above, and paler green beneath. The jackfruit is one of the biggest fruits in the world, weighing from 4kg to 40 kg. The fruit is roughly oblong in shape. The skin is extremely rough and thick. The inside of the fruit contains the edible, sweet, aromatic, crispy, soft or melting pulp that surrounds each seed. Fully ripe jackfruit produces a strong aroma. (Photo: VietnamPlus)
Visiting 500-year-old jackfruit tree in Hanoi ảnh 7Despite its ‘old age’, the jackfruit tree still bears fruits every season. In a suitable environment, the jackfruit produces fruits throughout the year with a peak production period in summer in Vietnam. Jackfruit is considered one of the biggest fruits in the world. The fruit is often oval-shaped with a green-to-yellow, thick, and spiky shell. The flesh is divided into small oval segments, but unlike in orange, the inside segments of jack-fruit bear similar to pomegranate but with larger seeds and larger glossy yellow pulps. It is honey-like sweet, sometimes crunchy, but the most delicious one is usually tender with a sweet fragrance. (Photo: VietnamPlus)
Visiting 500-year-old jackfruit tree in Hanoi ảnh 8The elderly in Co Loa village said that when they were born, the jackfruit tree was already there and was as rough as it is now. They said the tree was planted about 500 years ago in front of the communal house of the village. The jackfruit is believed to be indigenous to the rain forests of India's Western Ghats. It spread early on to other parts of India, Southeast Asia, the East Indies, the Philippines and Australia. It is often planted in central and eastern Africa and is fairly popular in Brazil and Suriname. In Vietnam, jackfruit trees often bear fruits in summer. (Photo: VietnamPlus)
Visiting 500-year-old jackfruit tree in Hanoi ảnh 9Although the tree is tall and tough, young branches sprout strongly. The jackfruit is an erect, evergreen tree that grows up to 30 m high and 80-200 cm in diameter. All parts of the plant – trunk, leaves and fruits – contain white, sticky latex. Young jackfruit leaves are lobed but they become entire as they mature. The leaves are dark green and shiny above, and paler green beneath. The jackfruit is one of the biggest fruits in the world, weighing from 4kg to 40 kg. The fruit is roughly oblong in shape. The skin is extremely rough and thick. The inside of the fruit contains the edible, sweet, aromatic, crispy, soft or melting pulp that surrounds each seed. Fully ripe jackfruit produces a strong aroma. (Photo: VietnamPlus)
Visiting 500-year-old jackfruit tree in Hanoi ảnh 10From this rough, cracked, moldy tree-trunk, from 10 to 15 fruits are born each crop. In Vietnam, jackfruit trees often bear fruits in summer. Jackfruit is considered one of the biggest fruits in the world, weighing from 4kg to 40kg. The fruit is often oval-shaped with a green-to-yellow, thick, and spiky shell. The flesh is divided into small oval segments, but unlike in orange, the inside segments of jack-fruit bear similar to pomegranate but with larger seeds and larger glossy yellow pulps. It is honey-like sweet, sometimes crunchy, but the most delicious one is usually tender with a sweet fragrance. (Photo: VietnamPlus)
Visiting 500-year-old jackfruit tree in Hanoi ảnh 11According to the old custom in Vietnamese villages, people often plant trees for shade. This jackfruit tree was planted by residents in Co Loa ancient citadel 500 years ago. Co Loa now is serving as not only a cultural relic and evidence of ancient Vietnamese’ creativeness and technical level, but also an ideal destination for visitors. Described as the largest ancient citadel in Vietnam, the Co Loa historical relic covers about 500 ha. It was built at the order by King An Duong Vuong in the third century BC as the capital of the then Au Lac (now Vietnam), in Hanoi’s outlying district of Dong Anh. (Photo: VietnamPlus)
Visiting 500-year-old jackfruit tree in Hanoi ảnh 12The elderly in Co Loa village said that when they were born, the jackfruit tree was already there and was as rough as it is now. They said the tree was planted about 500 years ago in front of the communal house of the village. The jackfruit is believed to be indigenous to the rain forests of India's Western Ghats. It spread early on to other parts of India, Southeast Asia, the East Indies, the Philippines and Australia. It is often planted in central and eastern Africa and is fairly popular in Brazil and Suriname. In Vietnam, jackfruit trees often bear fruits in summer. (Photo: VietnamPlus)
Visiting 500-year-old jackfruit tree in Hanoi ảnh 13The jackfruit tree-trunk is so big that two people can't hold it. From this rough, cracked, moldy tree-trunk, from 10 to 15 fruits are born each crop. In Vietnam, jackfruit trees often bear fruits in summer. Jackfruit is considered one of the biggest fruits in the world, weighing from 4kg to 40kg. The fruit is often oval-shaped with a green-to-yellow, thick, and spiky shell. The flesh is divided into small oval segments, but unlike in orange, the inside segments of jack-fruit bear similar to pomegranate but with larger seeds and larger glossy yellow pulps. It is honey-like sweet, sometimes crunchy, but the most delicious one is usually tender with a sweet fragrance. (Photo: VietnamPlus)

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