VN flick vying for Busan Festival short film award

A short film titled “Someone is going to forest” by young local filmmaker Truong Minh Quy has made it to the Asian Short Film Competition’s Top 10 at the 2013 Busan International Film Festival, which is running in Busan, South Korea, till October 12, Tuoi Tre newspaper reports.
A short film titled “Someone is going to forest” by young localfilmmaker Truong Minh Quy has made it to the Asian Short FilmCompetition’s Top 10 at the 2013 Busan International Film Festival,which is running in Busan, South Korea, till October 12, Tuoi Trenewspaper reports.

Like Quy’s previous short films,“Someone is going to forest” has no clear storyline but is a mere fusionof sounds and images. The film is set in immense forests in Buon MeThuot town in Central Highland province of Dac Lac, Quy’s hometown andhis home. The actors and actresses are Quy himself, his father, youngersister and close friends.

Quy, 23, made the film with minimal costs, he borrowed a camera from one of his friends and did the editing himself.

The 29-minute film will be screened at the Busan International FilmFestival on October 8 and 11, and Quy is set to give a talk after theOctober 8 screening.

Though Quy has yet to gain famein the short film sector and has made only a few short films, “The BlueRoom” (2010), “An Ordinary Sunday” (2011) - the first short film tofeature Hong Anh, a professional actress - and “A Raw Video” (2012), hisworks have received critical acclaim for their notable depth andsignificance.

After watching Quy’s “An OrdinarySunday”, local director Phan Dang Di, known for his film “Bi, don’t beafraid”, referred Quy and another young local director to the Busanfestival for a training course. During the course, the young man hadopportunities to work with and learn from his counterparts from othercountries and nurtured his dream of making a film which would competefor the Busan festival’s Short Film award.

“LuaPhat” (Once upon a time in Vietnam), a heavily-invested action fantasyfeature film by Vietnamese American actor-director Dustin Nguyen, whichfailed to receive an enthusiastic embrace as expected and was alsocriticised for several brandy advertising scenes, will also be screenedat the Busan festival.

Busan International FilmFestival is one of the most prestigious in Asia. Founded in 1996, BIFFhas focused on introducing and supporting fresh Asian directors andtheir films. In 1998, BIFF launched the Asian Project Market followed bythe Asian Film Market in 2006.

Along with the ShortFilm Competition for Korean directors, the Asian Short FilmCompetition’s Top 10 features films from such countries as Iran, China,India and Singapore. The director of the winning film will walk awaywith a cash prize of 10,000 USD.-VNA

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