VN, Ireland to cooperate in youth education

Vietnam and Ireland should further cooperation in issues relating to children and youth as well as share experience in educating children and youth.
Vietnam and Ireland should further cooperation in issues relating to children and youth as well as share experience in educating children and youth.

National Assembly Vice Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan made the suggestion while receiving Irish Minister for Children and Youth Affairs Frances Fitzgerald in Hanoi on Jan. 12.

She stressed that the protection, care and education of children and the protection of their rights in particular have been one of the major priorities of Vietnam ’s human development strategy.

Regarding bilateral ties, Ngan said she is pleased with recent important developments in the two countries’ relationship, especially in development cooperation, economics, trade and investment, and education and training.

The NA Vice Chairwoman thanked the Irish Government and people for their ODA provision for Vietnam , which she said has helped the country effectively implement its socio-economic development and poverty reduction policies.

She affirmed that Vietnam always attaches importance to the friendship and multifaceted cooperation with Ireland and development cooperation remains a top priority in bilateral relations.

For her part, Frances Fitzgerald said the visit, the first in her capacity as Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, aims to strengthen bilateral ties, especially in maintaining cooperation in adoption.

Praising great achievements Vietnam has made in protecting, caring and educating children and ensuring their rights, the Irish Minister expressed her wish that the two sides will soon complete administrative procedures for the signing of an adoption agreement between Vietnam and Ireland./.

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