The agreement was inked by Chairman of the Vietnamese Government’sCommittee for Ethnic Minority Affairs (CEMA) Giang Seo Phu and visitingPresident of the Lao Front for National Construction (LFNC) CentralCommittee Phanduongchit Vongsa in Hanoi on August 13.
Under the agreement, the two sides will exchange experience inbuilding and implementing ethnic minority policies, scientific researchand cultural exchanges as well as training human resources in thisfield.
They will discuss the implementation ofsocio-economic development programmes, focusing on poverty reduction inareas inhabited by ethnic minority people.
On theoccasion, the LFNC leader presented Laos ’ orders and medals toformer and current leaders of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF). Thismove aimed to honour these officials for their contributions to theVietnam-Laos special friendship and comprehensive cooperation.
Vongsa presented the Freedom Order (Issara Order), first class, toPresident of the VFF Central Committee Huynh Dam, and the Freedom Order,second class, to Vice President and Secretary General of the VFFCentral Committee Vu Trong Kim, who is also President of theVietnam-Laos Friendship Association.
Elevencurrent officials and former leaders of the Vietnam Fatherland FrontCentral Committee were awarded with the Freedom Order, third class, andsix received the Labour Order, second class. Thirty one others werepresented with the insignia marking the 60 th anniversary of the LFCN.-VNA