Both sides stressed the need to increasethe exchange of delegations at all levels, closely work and providemutual support at regional and international forums, and promotecooperation in economics, education, culture, tourism and transport.
Theyalso agreed on early signing of agreements on investment encouragementand protection, and tourism cooperation, creating a legal basis forlong-term cooperation between Vietnam and Morocco .
Duringtheir meetings, the two sides noted with pleasure the development in thefriendship and multifaceted cooperation between the two countries inrecent years. The two foreign ministries worked as a bridge in promotingrelations and have been working closely in bilateral cooperation aswell as at international forums.
Deputy Foreign Minister Hung,Head of the Vietnamese subcommittee, said the Government and people ofVietnam treasured traditional friendship and multifaceted cooperationin political, economic, trade and education areas with Africancountries, including Morocco .
To maintain the mechanism forcooperation with African countries, the Government of Vietnam heldthe second Vietnam-Africa international workshop in August 2010, Hungsaid.
The move reflected the political will and resolve of theVietnamese leaders and people in promoting cooperation with Africa,including Morocco , he said.
Vietnam highly valued Morocco’spositive role for regional integration initiatives, said Hung, stressingthat in its role as one of founding members of the World TradeOrganisation (WTO), Morocco would continue to support, help and protectdeveloping countries.
Moroccan Secretary of State for ForeignAffairs and Cooperation Latifa Akharbach congratulated Vietnam onits successful organisation of the 11 th National Party Congress andthe election of 13 th National Assembly.
Shespoke highly of Vietnam ’s socio-economic achievements and expressedher wish to increase friendship and multifaceted cooperation with theSoutheast Asian nation.
The two head delegates also discussedregional and international issues of common concern and signed theminutes on the second Vietnam-Morocco Joint Committee meeting./.