The Vietnam Football Federation (VFF)held a meeting with the National Coaching Council and both sides agreedthat the German coach had not fulfilled his duties and is no longersuitable for the post.
"Goetz had no clear tactics, wasunable to adjust to new conditions and failed to leave his mark on theteam during his time in Vietnam ," said council chairman Nguyen SyHien. "For those reasons, we agreed with the VFF's proposal to dismissGoetz."
It is expected that Goetz will receive officialconfirmation of the decision when he returns to Vietnam next week.He is currently on vacation in his home town for Christmas and New Year.
Goetz was appointed head coach of the national andunder-23 teams in June after an extensive selection process conducted bythe VFF.
The 49-year-old had an impressive CV and beat 40other candidates to the position which brought him 22,000 USD permonth, excluding other expenses such as accommodation and travel fees.
Under Goetz , Vietnam jumped 55 places in the FIFA world rankingsto reach 99th earlier this month. It is seven years since the countrywas last in the top 100, and Vietnam have also risen to 34th in Asia andtop of the Southeast Asia rankings, overthrowing Thailand.
In his first official match in charge, Vietnam beat Macau 13-1 onaggregate in a first round World Cup qualifier. In the second round,Vietnam won one and lost one against Asian powerhouses Qatar , butwere eliminated on aggregate.
Goetz also scored pointswith Vietnamese officials and fans after losing only 0-1 to World Cupquarter-finalists Japan in a friendly in Kobe in October.
But Vietnam lost the VFF Cup following a regrettable 1-1 draw withMalaysia , and the 26th SEA Games in Indonesia turned into anightmare for the team, who was expected to win gold but failed to makethe top three.
The VFF subsequently released a statementsaying that Goetz would remain in his position until the end of 2012,despite pressure from the public who were clamouring for change.
However, at a meeting on December 22, it was decided that Goetz was responsible for the SEA Games failure.
Goetz was capped by Berliner FC Dynamo, Hertha BSC, Galatasaray, BayerLeverkusen and the national team during his playing career. Afterretirement, he worked as a coach at Hertha BSC, 1860 Munich andHolstein Kiel before moving to Vietnam . He is the eighth foreigncoach to work in the country.
At a press briefing on Dec. 28, the council also approved the VFF's decision to appoint a local coach to replace the German. /.