A cooperation project in vocational training and language exchange between Vocational High SchoolHorticultural Le Petit Chadignac of France and Thang Long High School forthe Gifted in Da Lat of Vietnam is a typical example, which brings benefits to bothsides.
The partnership between the two schools aims to promote educational cooperationin training French language and agriculture, and enhance mutualunderstanding between students of the educational institutions through languagepractice and career exchange among their students.
Savoie Sandrine, the project coordinator of the French side, said the projecthas proven effective, contributing to connecting students of the two schools. Sheexpressed her belief that the partnership will be further promoted in thefuture.
MichelAmblard, Vice President of the Department of Agriculture of Charente-Maritime province,affirmed that the provincial authority is ready to welcome internationalstudents, including those from Vietnam, to exchange views and jointly build research projects on agricultural development in bothFrance and Vietnam.
Vietnamese Ambassador to France Dinh Toan Thang said that agriculture is thestrength of both countries, and the cooperation model between the two schoolsopened up prospects and great opportunities for the two countries to boost agricultural cooperation in thefuture.
He underlined the need to expand cooperation models in the field, thus contributingto promoting Vietnamese farm produce to France, and Europe.
With similarities between the two schools, theircooperation project is expected to become a model in decentralised cooperation betweenVietnamese and French localities./.