There are five main prizes and some auxiliary prizes,the organisers said, noting that the first prize, including a laptop worth 20 million VND and one-yearfree readership of Le Courrier du Vietnam, came to two students from Ho ChiMinh City.
This year’s competition aims to encourage youths toexpress their opinions on the role of women in Vietnam and the world, as wellas on gender equality.
Doan Thi Y Vi, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Le Courrierdu Vietnam, a weekly French language newspaper of the Vietnam News Agency(VNA), who is co-chairperson of the organising board, said the competitionattracted 135 entries from 122 individuals and groups of authors from provinces and cities acrossthe country.
According to Nguyen Hong Nga, Deputy Editor-in-Chiefof Le Courrier du Vietnam and head of the jury of the semi-final round, apartfrom articles on the COVID-19 pandemic, there are articles featuring thepreservation of cultural identities, and charity activities towards victims ofnatural disasters in the central region, among others.
Chékou Oussouman, Chief Representative of theAsia-Pacific Regional Office (RBAP) of the International Organisation of the Francophonie(OIF), who is co-chairperson of the organising board, said the entries have reflectedwomen’s courage to overcome difficulties.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the award ceremony hasnot been held in-person. Therefore, the organisers made a video clip toannounce the winners of the contest, which was posted on the fanpage of Le Courrier du Vietnam./.