Co-organised by the Inter-ParliamentaryUnion (IPU), the Parliamentary Assembly of the Francophonie (APF), the OIF, andthe Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), theconference takes place both in virtual and in-person formats on October 25-26.
Addressing the event, head of theVietnamese delegation and Chairwoman of the NA Committee for Social AffairsNguyen Thuy Anh affirmed the consistent policy of the Vietnamese State inrespecting and protecting human rights. Vietnam constantly strives to better the legal system on human rights, promote economic development along withensuring social justice, and constantly improve people's living standards.
She emphasised that Vietnam attachesimportance to dialogue and cooperation in the field of human rights andactively participates in making contributions at UN and regional forums on thematter.
Vietnam has completed the review under the thirdUPR cycle and is actively implementing recommendations that Vietnam accepts,she noted.
She continued to say that Vietnamis also one of the core countries in promoting content on climate change andhuman rights at the Human Rights Council.
According to Anh, the NA plays an importantrole in ensuring and realising human rights in Vietnam. Over the past time, the legislature has made continuous efforts to build and complete the legal system onhuman rights; and to regularly conduct the monitoring of law enforcement and theimplementation of regulations related to human rights.
Anh said amid COVID-19, Vietnam haspromptly implemented measures to fight the pandemic and maintaineconomic growth with priority covering the protection of people’s life and wellbeing.All people are supported to secure their lives, get medical care, and haveequal access to COVID-19 vaccines, she added./.