Gia Lai (VNA) – The Women’s Union of the Central Highlands provinceof Gia Lai and the Department of Women’s Affairs of Cambodia’s Stung Trengprovince have worked closely to enhance the “good neighbourliness, traditionalfriendship, sustainable and long-term cooperation” between the two nations,heard a conference held in Pleiku city on October 17.
After a year implementing the coordination programme for the 2018-2022 period,both sides have popularised Vietnam and Cambodia’s foreign policies among over15,500 women. They have also conducted educational activities targeting 51,000women, informing them about the rights of women and girls and ways to preventhuman trafficking and violence against women and girls.
Besides, the two women’s unions have worked with the border guard forces to involveover 1,000 women in preventing illegal border crossing.
The Department of Women’s Affairs of Cambodia of Stung Treng province has providedsupport to Gia Lai province’s working team in the search and repatriation ofremains of Vietnamese volunteer soldiers who died during war time in Cambodia.During the dry season of 2018-2019, 18 sets of remains were sent back home fromStung Treng.
At the conference, head of the International RelationsDepartment under the Vietnam Women’s Union Nguyen Thi Hoai Linh suggested thatthe women’s unions of Gia Lai and Stung Treng should also share experience inimproving healthcare and livelihoods for women.
Director of the Department of Women’s Affairs of Stung Treng San Sokha took theoccasion to thank Gia Lai women for providing financial support for thedepartment to purchase necessary equipment./.