Many participants at the workshop agreed that its is necessary toaccelerate the dissemination of information to raise advocacy andawareness on the community’s responsibilities in caring for andassisting disabled people, as well as complete the draft law onemployment for the disabled before submission to the National Assemblyfor approval.
They also mentioned helping the disabled in vocational training,finding outlets for their products and establishing funds for jobgeneration.
According to Tran Van Tu, Director of the Policies and MechanismSection under the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour, so far,eight provinces have set up job generation funds for the disabled, butonly three of them have been put into operation.
Currently, the disabled can only find jobs at establishments that arespecifically designed to hire them, and which pay low salaries.
Over 5.4 million people across Vietnam are living with disabilities, making up 6.34 percent of the population.
According to statistics of the Social Welfare Department under theMinistry of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs, 36 percent of thedisabled in Vietnam are illiterate, 25 percent are employed, between65-70 percent are living off support from their families, and over 30percent of them are living in poverty./.