World Wildlife Day: For the planet’s “health”

The United Nations World Wildlife Day (WWD) is observed on March 3 every year to celebrate wild animals and plants and highlight their contributions to human lives and health.
World Wildlife Day: For the planet’s “health” ảnh 1Illustrative photo (Photo:

Hanoi (VNA) – The United Nations World Wildlife Day(WWD) is observed on March 3 every year to celebrate wild animals and plants and highlight their contributions to human lives and health.

This year, the WWD isthemed “Connecting People and Planet: Exploring Digital Innovation in WildlifeConservation”.

According to the Ministry of Environment and NaturalResources (MoNRE), Vietnamis ranked 16th among the Earth's most biodiverse countries and is one of theten richest centres of biodiversity in the world with many different types ofecosystems and genetic sources.

Witha wide range of latitudes, Vietnam's climate varies from humid tropicalconditions in the southern lowlands to temperate conditions in the northernhighlands. Consequently, the country enjoys a diversity of natural environmentsand a high level of biodiversity in its forests, waterways, and marine areas,according to a report by the World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF).

Thecountry has a wealth of fauna varieties: 276 species of mammals, 828 species ofbirds, 180 species of reptiles, 80 species of amphibians, 472 species offreshwater fish, and many thousands of invertebrate species have beenidentified. It is home to an estimated 12,000 species of plants. About 33% ofthe flora of northern Vietnam are endemic and, nationally, the percentage ofendemism could be as high as 50%.

Thesegroups show a high degree of local distinctiveness, with many endemic speciesof great scientific and economic significance.

Of the 34 globally threatenedbirds identified as occurring in Vietnam, 10 are restricted-range endemicforest species. Sixty fish species and four primate species are also endemic toVietnam.

However,the diversity in Vietnam is in danger because of unsustainable and poorlymanaged exploitation, an increase in population and rapid urbanisation.

Thereasons that lead to biodiversity decline are rapid population growth,pollution, deforestation, the over-exploitation of marine resources and widelyapplied new species without careful examination. That has led to 28% ofmammals, 10% of birds, 21% of reptiles and amphibians facing risk ofextinction.

Theresults of the largest systematic camera trap survey ever conducted in Vietnambetween 2019 and 2023 with support from the United States Agency forInternational Development (USAID), showed that populations of several key wildlife species have either disappeared or are insuch low numbers as to be unviable as a result of widespread indiscriminatesnaring.

Duringthe survey carried out by USAID’s Biodiversity Conservation Activity, 1,176camera trap stations were set up in 21 protected areas (PAs) across eightprovinces, capturing more than 120,000 independent wildlife detections inmillions of images during 2019-2023.

Notablewas the absence of large carnivores and herbivores, such as tigers, cloudedleopards, Asiatic wild dogs, and the elusive saola – one of the few largemammals to be discovered in the world in the last 50 years. Asian elephantswere detected in just two sites, and wild cattle species such as gaur onlydetected in one out of 21 sites surveyed. The most prevalent species recordedwere those most resilient to hunting pressure, such as macaques, ferret badgersand wild pigs.

Althoughthe survey revealed that wildlife has severely declined in all 21 PAs, thereare still relatively high levels of species richness and endemism, with nineAnnamite-endemic and 21 non-endemic but highly threatened species recorded.Rare species, such as the large-antlered muntjac and sun bear were also detected,providing some of the few records of these species in Vietnam in the past 20years.

NickCox, Chief of Party, USAID Biodiversity Conservation, implemented by WWF,stated: “For the first time we have the data to confirm Việt Nam’s wildlifepopulations are in dire straits. At the same time there are signs thatinvestments by the Vietnamese Government, and by local and international NGOs,have had a positive impact. Now is the time to start a national conservationbreeding programme to rewild the country’s protected areas, while protectionefforts are sustained and increased, especially to reduce snaring.”

Accordingto MoNRE, Vietnam has proactively participated and implemented many commitmentsrelated to wildlife protection.

Recently,the ministry has proposed the Prime Minister on promulgating a programme toconserve endangered, precious and rare wild animals prioritised for protectionuntil 2030, with a vision to  2050.Accordingly, Vietnam aims to ensure that no more species prioritised forconservation become extinct. All of the species prioritised for protection willbe managed and monitored in nature reserves, high biodiversity areas andbiodiversity conservation facilities.

Theministry proposed to investigate and assess the current status of populationsand habitats of species prioritised for protection nationwide. It also askedfor periodically updating information and data and publishing the list of speciesprioritised for safeguarding. In particular, priority should be given torestoring habitats of species that are threatened with extinction and migratoryspecies prioritised for protection including elephants, saola, Truong Sonmuntjac, Truong Son striped rabbit, central Vietnam turtle, and box turtle.

Meanwhile,USAID has sponsored a project to protect endangered wildlife species in Vietnamwith a funding of 10.5 million USD for over 5 years starting from 2021. Itsupports enhancing leadership in combating illegal wildlife trade by improvingand harmonising the legal system related to wildlife protection, strengtheninglaw enforcement and prosecution over wildlife crimes, and reducing illegal demandand consumption of wildlife./.


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