Seoul (VNA) – The fourth annualConference of Vietnamese Young Scientists (ACVYS) took place in the Republic ofKorea (RoK) on June 25, featuring nearly 100 reports and research presented byVietnamese scholars and students living in the host country.
The event was held by the VietnameseStudents’ Association in Korea (VSAK) at Gachon University, Seongnam City,Gyeonggi Province with about 300 Vietnamese and foreign academics and studentsfrom universities across the RoK in attendance.
Opening the conference, VSAK President PhamHai Chien said, with the goals “connecting knowledge, igniting passion”, theACVYS lets young scientists present their latest research and share theirinterests and experience in biotechnology, mechanical engineering, civil andenvironmental engineering, information technology, telecommunications materialsscience and more.
Vietnamese Deputy Ambassador to RoK Tran AnhVu noted that the 15,000 Vietnamese students and alumni in the RoK form thesecond largest foreign student society in the country.
He lauded the knowledge and skills theyobtained in the RoK, contributing greatly to Vietnam’s economic development,adding the event marks the 25th anniversary of Vietnam-RoKdiplomatic relations.
Highlights at this year’s conference werereports on the Industrial Revolution 4.0, Vietnamese-Korean automatic translatorUtagger, energy transition and the East Sea issues-VNA