Deputy Minister TruongMinh Tuan said that the documents and maps are part of those collectedwithin Vietnam and from other countries providing historical and legalevidence that Vietnam established and exercised its sovereignty over thetwo archipelagos at an early time.
According tohim, the materials have been divided into four groups. Group Icomprises the documents published from the 17th to the early 20thcentury, including 19 administrative documents signed by the Nguyenkings from 1802 to 1945. Group II includes 60 maps affirming Vietnam’ssovereignty over the archipelagos, published by Vietnam, China andWestern countries, while Group III includes copies of 15 administrativedocuments from the French administration and the Republic of Vietnam(1954-1975) about Vietnam’s exercise of sovereignty over Hoang Sa.Photos featuring the current realities on Truong Sa archipelago are inGroup IV.
Receiving the materials, Secretary ofthe HCMCYU Central Committee and President of the Vietnam YouthFederation Nguyen Phi Long called on the young generation to take actionto protect the country’s sovereignty and legitimate interests in theEast Sea.-VNA