Tokyo (VNA) - The 2nd Coast Guard Global Summit (CGGS-2)wrapped up on November 21 in Tokyo, Japan, with the issuance of the Chairman’ssummary of CGGS-2.
The participants reaffirmed that maritime safety and security and aclean marine environment are the vital foundation for the well-being andprosperity of the international community as a whole, the summary said.
They also reaffirmed that ensuring safety of life at sea, providing readinessfor distress and disaster response, protecting marine environment, and maintainingmaritime order based on the rule of law at sea under international maritime laware an essential foundation for people utilising the ocean to enjoy variousbenefits with ease all over the world.
They recognised that the human resource development in addressing maritimechallenges effectively is important and urgent.
According to the summary, the summit discussed the establishment of a systemfor human resource development and the best forms of inter-regional andinternational cooperation among the coastguards in the world to continue totake measures for maritime safety and security as well as marine environmentprotection.
The participants supported the establishment of the website to share beneficialinformation such as pioneer activities and experiences as well as humanresources development.
They also supported the establishment of the correspondence group for furtherconsideration on specific matters to establish the website.
Initiated in 2017 by the Japan Coast Guard and the Nippon Foundation, the first CGGS was attended by representatives from coast guardforces of 38 countries across the world. This year’s event saw the participation of delegates from 75 countriesand eight international organisations.
Deputy Commander of the Vietnam Coast Guard Bui Trung Dung led a Vietnamesedelegation to the event./.