Speaking at an opening ceremony of ADB office in the city, Nakaoexpressed sympathy for losses and the hard post-disaster reconstructionin the country.
He also spoke highly of Taclobanpeople’s will to overcome such difficulties as well as internationalsolidarity and support to the Philippines .
TheADB President reaffirmed the bank's support for reconstruction andrehabilitation efforts for the affected communities.
According to him, the office will coordinate and monitor the use offunds while advising local authorities on recovery efforts throughtechnical support to related projects.
ADB’sassistance will help Tacloban rebuild critical social infrastructuresuch as schools and clinics, and restore different sources of income inrural communities.
It will also build the capacityof local authorities to implement risk-sensitive land use planning anddisaster preparedness in anticipation of future calamities, he said.
To date, ADB has extended nearly 900 million USD to the Philippinegovernment for immediate recovery efforts and long- term reconstructionand rehabilitation.
The amount includes a 3million USD grant for emergency assistance, a 20 million USD grant fromthe Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction, a 372 million loans to expandexisting community-driven development programmes to typhoon-affectedareas, and a 500 million USD loan for budget support to the Governmentto cover costs associated with overall relief and recovery effort.-VNA