Hanoi (VNA) - Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phucchaired a meeting of the Cabinet on July 8 to discuss the implementation of the NationalAssembly (NA)’s resolution on adjustments to the plan for investment in theconstruction of three sections of the North-South Expressway in the 2017-2020period.
Under NA Resolution No 117/2020/QH14 issued on June19, 2020, the legislature decided on the public-private partnership (PPP) investmentform for three component projects of the North-South Expressway: Mai Son - NationalHighway No 45, Vinh Hai - Phan Thiet, and Phan Thiet - Dau Day.
Attendees at the meeting agreed on the principle of authorisingthe Minister of Transport to decide upon investment-related issues for thethree projects.
PM Phuc asked the Ministry of Transport to coordinatewith other ministries and sectors to promptly complete and gather opinions fora draft decision on the realisation of Resolution 117, so the document can be issued on July 9.
He underscored that the ministry should work harder sothat the first bidding package of the three projects can be launched in lateAugust.
According to a report from the Ministry of Transport, 81.3percent of site clearance has been completed in the Mai Son-Highway 45 project,95 percent in the Vinh Hai - Phan Thiet project, and 76.8 percent in the PhanThiet - Dau Day project.
The eastern section of theNorth-South Expressway runs through 13 cities and provinces, starting from NamDinh in the north and ending in Vinh Long in the Mekong Delta. Total investmentfor the 654-km route is expected to top 118.7 trillion VND (5.1 billion USD).
The North-South Expressway is a key nationalproject carried out under Resolution No 52/2017/QH14 dated November 22, 2017.
On the same day, meeting participantsdiscussed issues relating to the Ben Luc - Long Thanh Highway./.