Ancient treasures tell nation’s history

A special exhibition featuring national names and the capital cities, along with the associated ancient artefacts during Vietnam’s establishment and development, is open to the public.

A special exhibition featuring national names and the capital cities, along with the associated ancient artefacts during Vietnam’s establishment and development, is open to the public. It provides historical documents and material evidence showing the aspirations and will of Vietnamese predecessors for national independence and pride along Vietnam’s 4,000 years of history.

Covering about 600m2 at the Vietnam National Museum of History, the thematic display introduces about 100 artefacts related to national names during the early period of national construction and defend, the independent feudal monarchy period, and the post-1945 August Revolution period up to now.

The unique and diverse artefacts contain high aesthetic and artistic values, dating from the Dong Son culture (from 1000 BC) until today. They are the documents collected by historians through historical dynasties as well as from the results of archaeological excavation and studies in the ancient capitals of Vietnam.

The exhibition will run until the end of October.-VNA