During the meetings, considered among the mostimportant ones of the ten-member grouping in the year, countries have discussedthe ASEAN Community building, reviewed and oriented ASEAN’s external relations,and looked into regional and international issues of shared concern.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son headed aVietnamese delegation to the events.
The countries assessed the implementation of ASEAN’spriorities this year and showed their support for the initiatives raised byBrunei – ASEAN Chair 2021 – to cope with disasters, boost multilateralism and theFourth Industrial Revolution, and promote the identity of the ASEAN Community.
The ministers spent much time debating cooperation in COVID-19response and post-pandemic recovery. They stressed the need to enhance theexchange of experience with partners in vaccine research, development,production and distribution.
They agreed to continue realising outcomes reaped lastyear, including the review of the implementation of the ASEAN Charter, thebuilding of the post-2025 ASEAN Community Vision, and strengtheningsub-regional cooperation.
The countries reiterated the values of ASEAN-led mechanisms,as well as ASEAN’s centrality in enhancing dialogue and cooperation. They consented to establish a dialogue partnershipwith the UK and a sectoral partnership with Brazil.
Given complex developments in the East Sea, the ministersaffirmed their consistent stance on settling disputes via peaceful measures inline with international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention onthe Law of the Sea (1982 UNCLOS), called on parties to exercise self-restraint,and not to use or threaten to use force, and reiterated the significance offully and effectively observing the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties inthe East Sea (DOC), working towards an effective and substantive Code ofConduct in the East Sea (COC).
For the Myanmar issue, the countries said ASEAN wantsto help Myanmar overcome difficulties and seek solutions to the present complexity,for people’s interests.
The ministered shared the view on the need to quicklyprovide humanitarian aid for Myanmar in response to COVID-19, through the ASEANCoordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on disaster management.
Minister Son stressed that solidarity and unity arethe foundation for ASEAN’s strength, especially in difficult times, which isclearly demonstrated in the current fight against COVID-19.
Emphasising the importance of vaccines, he suggestedASEAN optimise cooperation opportunities with partners, particularly in the vaccine procurement and transfer of vaccine production technologies.
ASEAN needs to carry forward the role of ASEAN-led mechanisms,he said, proposing a review of operational procedures of these mechanisms tomaintain their targets, values and roles.
Son stressed an environment of peace, security andstability is the prerequisite to effectively ward off the pandemic, spurrecovery and maintain regional growth.
On August 3, ASEAN foreign ministers will hold meetings with ASEAN partners namely the Republic of Korea, China and Japan./.