Hanoi (VNA) – ASEAN should prioritise theenhancement of connectivity, sustainable and inclusive development, and theimprovement of its role in sub-region cooperation, including Mekongcollaboration, Vietnamese Minister of Industry and Trade Tran Tuan Anh has said.
Anh made the suggestions while opening the ASEAN Forumon Sub-regional Development: Converging Mekong sub-regional cooperation withASEAN goals that was held in the form of a teleconference in Hanoi on July 14.
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguyen Quoc Dung, who chaired the forum, stressed the strategic role of the Mekong sub-region,saying the development of a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable Mekong regionwould help to consolidate ASEAN’s position in the regional architecture andbuild the ASEAN community.
The delegates looked into such issues as the role ofsub-regional economic corridors in regional connectivity and economic linksbetween ASEAN and partners, challenges to sustainable development and the roleof development partners in sub-regional cooperation, among others.
According to the report, cooperation within theframework of the Mekong sub-region is the most successful initiative over thepast three decades, which has greatly contributed to regional economicdevelopment and poverty reduction.
However, the Mekong region has been affected by theCOVID-19 pandemic, and to overcome these challenges, these countries need tomake changes to catch up with new global economic trends and better utilisescientific and technological advances, especially amidst the Fourth IndustrialRevolution and the popularity of digital technology, the report said.
The institute suggested Mekong countries adjustpolicies with priorities given to connectivity, industrialisation, socialwelfare, and sustainable development.
In his closing remarks, Dung said Vietnam, as ASEANChair 2020, will continue its close coordination with other ASEAN membercountries and partner countries to promote the multi-field, multi-partner, andmulti-level approach, for a united, resilient and responsive ASEAN./.