It was the third of its kinds held in accordance with theministry’s Action Plan to implement the “ASEAN Declaration on the Role of CivilService as A Catalyst for Achieving ASEAN Community Vision 2025.″
The operation of civil service agencies has been badly affectedby restrictions induced by COVID-19, said ASEAN Deputy Secretary-General EkkaphabPhanthavong.
Against such backdrop, ASEAN member states have remainedcommitted to deliver high-quality civil services to their citizens, he said, addingthat challenges in the delivery of civil services in the “new normal” are awakeup call for the member states to further accelerate reforms and modernizationin the field.
At the event, participants received updates of ASEAN’scultural-social affairs and cooperation frameworks within the ASEANSocio-Cultural Community, as well as plans for the implementation ofthe Socio-Cultural Community’s goals and related goals by 2025, along with integratedactivities for the civil service agencies in the coming time.
In her speech, Ha Thi Minh Duc, Deputy Director Generalof the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs’ Department ofInternational Cooperation, said to effectively beef up ASEAN cooperation, it iscrucial to heighten political commitments and awareness of ASEAN and developthe greater sense of belonging as a community.
She also called for better efforts in raising people’sawareness of the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community goals./.