Australia, Indonesia beef up agricultural partnership

Australian Minister of Agriculture and Water Resources Barnaby Joyce made a working visit to Indonesia from October 5-7 to seek wider cooperation opportunities.
Australia, Indonesia beef up agricultural partnership ảnh 1Australian Minister of Agriculture and Water Resources Barnaby Joyce (Source:

Australian Minister of Agriculture and Water Resources Barnaby Joyce made a working visit to Indonesia from October 5-7 to seek wider cooperation opportunities.

Indonesian news agency Antara quoted Joyce as saying the two nations have long shared mutually beneficial ties in agriculture and capacity-building projects.

Bilateral trade revenue yielded 15.7 billion AUD in 2014 with agricultural transactions reeling in 3.5 billion AUD, he noted, adding that Australia highly valued its livestock export partnership with Indonesia, which provides local consumers affordable and good-quality meat.

According to Joyce, Australia shipped farm produce worth 3.3 billion AUD, or eight percent of the total agricultural export value, to Indonesia last year. As such, the latter became the fourth largest distribution market of the former.

Meanwhile, Australia’s agricultural imports from Indonesia increased 30 percent since 2011 to reach 218 million AUD in 2014.-VNA.


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